End everything

"How are we going to leave the orphanage?" Harry asked.

"Well it's not tough, I am now in legal age to decide if I want to live in this orphanage or not and you are obviously also in it." For orphanages, if a person wants to earn after 14 years, he or she can decide if he wants to live in an orphanage or wants to live out of it with dean permission.

"What about Henry? Are we going to leave him till he gets 14?" 

When Henry heard it he felt devastated. He never wanted to be separated from his brother and sister, he can't even think about it. "Sister I don't want to live without you guys."

Serene sigh, she sometimes thinks Harry never controls his tongue while speaking

"Of course you won't. You are coming with us too." She kissed Henry's cheek to calm him and turn towards Harry with accusing eyes. 

"What are you saying brother. How can we even leave him. He is going with us in your protection. You were his guardian when you entered the orphanage and you have a blood relation with him that allows you to take him under your guidance as a guardian later too."

'Ohh' he thought. That's something he didn't know about. He wanted to ask, how did she know all these things but then again he remembered that she used to study law in this interval.

But then...

"Then another question arises, why would Dean ever allow us to go out of that orphanage?" They know very well that dean treats them as pawns under his paws. They do most of the chores for him and the orphanage. His daughter likes to bully them. But he never dared to even threaten them that he will kick them out of the orphanage till now. That makes one thing clear that he wants them.

"He will when I will threaten him." She chuckled lightly while thinking about those things on his computer.

"What do you mean? What you are going to threaten him with even" What can even threaten that bastard?

"That you will know when you will see it tomorrow" That will be a great mystery she will leave with him only.

"Ohh... One more thing then, how did you even think about this fabulous plan in your pea size brain." Harry asked seriously. He badly wants to know her IQ level today. How she is so good at plotting. She is only 14.

"Is that compliment?" She frowned slightly

"Yes" He said seriously

"Then i'll take it." She cheekily smiled.


"Look who we have here! Our lovely Dean" 

"You!! How dare you to sit on my chair! You want to die!"

Right now Serene was sitting in the head chair of his office. His nerves were looking like it would pop out of his head in a second.

"Patience my child patience! I will tell you everything but first please take a seat." Right now her smile was better than a devil. This was the moment she was waiting from 2 months. Now she will pay back.

"You get up from my chair right now" Warden tried to come forward to push her away from his chair but Harry stopped him in the middle with his arm around his shoulder.

Serene tilted her head slightly and very innocently to ask him again "You don't wanna sit? Great. Brother please remove the chair from that side and you take the seat."

"Serene don't cross the limit. You will suffer a hell!!" Her voice irritated him to the core and her smile was like punching his face. He warned her to stop this nonsense before it's too late but it was not a warning because no matter what he will punish them in the end, worse than a slave.

"Well first you are the one who crosses the limits and second you are going to suffer if you don't shut your mouth."


"Shhhh. I didn't even start so Shhhh"

She typed something on the laptop which she bought with her and in ten seconds she flipped it towards the warden, so that he can see now. Harry was sitting right beside the main table to have a great show from closure.

Serene started "Can you see this video? I just wanted to ask, What are you doing Warden with that property dealer? What money is this?"

"Can you see these pics? I just wanted to ask, Why do you have so many properties?"

"And can you open this folder where it's written private? What do you think I have in this?"

"So your next question must be from where did I get these things?"

"The answer is very simple. I already knew that you were doing these kinds of things for a very long time. It just needed evidence and then something strikes, that a coward likes you will definitely have some proof in your computer to counter attack later if you get into a mess. So I decided to sneak at your place or your second home, then hack your computer to find something useful... and here we are."

The whole office was silent for 2 minutes where no one spoke anything. Not just Warden, even Harry was shocked when he saw those videos where he was taking bribes from someone and those pictures of his property. Even though he doesn't know what is in that folder, he is damn sure that it is something very important to Warden by looking at his face which was totally pale.

Serene wanted to end this thing as soon as possible so she started again.

"Did I shocked you? Was I too fast brother? Well anyway let me guess your second question that is, 'How dare I?'"

"Well I do dare because I know what kind of shit you are and I don't give a shit about it" She smiled happily which irked the warden the most at this moment. He will never forget this smile in future. He is sure everything will end for him, if this goes out.

"Well I don't need to guess your next question because it should be your question whether you want it or not and that is 'What I Want?'"

"And my answer is I want three registration, I'd and information deleted from this orphanage today. That is mine, Harry and Henry. We are going to take full responsibility for ours, not going to ask your orphanage to obliged."

"And before you say anything I would like to tell you that I have every single document in your computer and that obviously involved the private folder where something like written surrogate...-"

"I will do it right away, please" Warden stopped her in the middle, before she could say anything he yelled.

"Awww you are such a nice person" Serene smiled brightly again and then laughed while seeing how fast he is doing things.