Proud brother

When she finished she looked at him expectantly and waited for him reply but there was none. When she carefully towards him she noticed he was in daze.

He sat there like for one minute in daze but felt like a year. He felt like his mind went blank with lots of information plus after hearing the amount she have, their warden was homosexual and MMS, and when he thinks about what she did all this time, he couldn't believe that she is just 14... but... How?

"Brother!!" She called him thrice but he didn't reply. Now that scares her! She shook him violently to get him reply.

When he finally came back to his conscience he asked immediately "How?"

"Huh? Didn't I just tell you-"

"No! I mean how?" He holds her arm tightly but not hurting her.

"Huh! What do you mean brother? Now you are scaring me! Please talk normally."

When his senses get back, he understands what she is saying and hurriedly loosed his strength "Sorry did I scared you?" When she nodded speedily, he find it funny. She look innocent but scared.

He pulled her into his lap and hugged her in his arms and said "Don't worry. I was just surprised by your accomplishment." He caressed her head while talking "I didn't knew my sister is so well. I am proud of you"

"Hehe I know I am good" She cheekily compliment herself too.

"So it means you didn't loose." He looked down at her in question. Earlier when she told him about the stock market he thought they might loose too.

"Of course I didn't." Actually she did loose twice initially but she didn't wanted him to worry. She cried a lot at that time because she thought she loosed her last hope but unexpectedly next day she gain double and that's how she learned her lesson.

"By the way this is your phone and your card." She handed her his phone and a wallet.

"Card?" Where did this come from!

"Yes it has one million dollars in it for your expenses. And every month you will get five hundred thousand dollars as your expense automatically." She prepared one for Henry too but his expenses is only in cash and no phone for now.

"Serene this is too much. I don't need this much money. What will I do with it?"

"No Harry you need it. You have your own use, and anyway it will rot if you don't use it."

"But what will I do with this much money?"

"I know you always wanted to create something in IT world but money always stopped you to develop your self but not anymore. I will invest in whatever you make or do so please do this for us, we don't lack money for now at least. Let's try to explore this world when we have time. I'm gonna rely on you future."

"Sigh... When did you grow up this big" He hugged her tightly.

"Well I don't think, I grow up. I am still short. You think everyone will tease me in school for height?" Her height is still short compare to other girls in class. They don't make fun of her because of her demeanor but what about new school? She don't want to scare anyone anymore. She wants to make friends this time, true friends.

"If someone dares, break his leg and he will be much shorter than you. Anyway your puberty didn't came yet. Don't be bother about it. My sister is the prettiest girl I ever seen. Height doesn't matter"

"Hehe... Brother I am too hungry let's go out for lunch. I already booked a table. Let's change our clothes first."


Henry was too engrossed in looking out the exterior and interior of the restaurant that he didn't saw the contempt look in other customers and receptionists eye.

"How may I help?" The receptionist gleam voice bring back them to reality.

Of course Serene also notice hostility towards them from her but she didn't mind it. Before she could react Henry asked her "Sister can I have this chocolate too?"

He was very much fascinated by the chocolates on the counter for the customers. They have different colours and shapes which attract him the most but the most attractive thing was chocolate dipping on them from above.

"No you can't, these are all for only customer not just for anyone on road"

Earlier she only had doubt about their origin but now she is kind of sure that they are nothing more than a nouveau rich with no background or status in the upper society. She despise them the most.

They are just a people who get lucky with the money. It doesn't even have the surety that those monies are earned by hard work or just like a lottery. And in terms of this she is on power. The female attendant had always been proud of her job, working in high end restaurant in front desk. She felt superior than these nouveau riches.