Dare to go against her!

"What is going on here?"

He got the message from his personal slut to come down and help her. When he went on the site he was being presented with the small crowd assemble in front of front desk. And saw three kids against receptionist.

His Slut already informed him that, these nouveau rich kids came to disturb their restaurant with their filthy hands and disrespected her in front of everyone.

He wouldn't support her if it was not about little kids who don't have any background in upper rich family and because they are newbie in rich section they won't have connection either. In front of them he can support her and have fun whole night as compensation.

"Sir I would like to explain things" His slut came forward and started explaining how they misbehaved with her and took restaurant property with out consent, then violently pushed her on ground.

Assistant manager look towards the girl with beauty and sternly said with authoritative tone "Madam what you did was actually wrong. Those chocolates are only for our customers and when you took the chocolates it will consider as theft because we didn't accepted you as our customers.

But still we won't be petty and ask you to pay for it but I would like you to apologise to my employee for pushing her down and for disrespecting it."

He didn't find anything wrong what he said. Actually he felt proud that he could dominate over someone, even that someone was rich couldn't be compare to the the hardworking person like him. He used this situation into his favour, by showing his authority in restaurant.

When receponist saw how the asst-manager support her fully and even want those kids to apologise to her in front of everyone, she chin up her face and looked towards other employee's and kids with a haughtiness and boast more about her supporter by standing right beside the ass-manager.

When sub assistant heard him, his blood boiled in rage. Most of the middle class family always face this kind of discrimination in their restaurant but he couldn't protest against this because of his post.

Their general manager right now managing the other branch. And because of this, asst-manger got all the power to manage this headquarter for time being. And the asst-manage misused his power for his convenience which resulted to this...

"Sir we should also listen to the other part of story from miss. We can't just-" Sub assistant tried to stop him before he gets dirty but was stopped again by the him

"Shut up did i allowed you to speak. And how dare you to take side of an outsider instead of your employees."

When he spoke, he tried to look like a righteous person who is trying to save his employee from evil world. And by his words Receptionist also face the Sub-asst. with a smirk on her face.

"But sir-"

"I said shut up." Asst-manager roared. He very well know about this uncorrupted sub assistant. He wanted to get rid of him from the very first day but couldn't because of General manager. But now he can have that opportunity.

"Miss, my employee is waiting for your apology. Fast." He unmannerly asked her to apologise.

Without replying to him Serene looked towards other person and asked "Sub assistant manager what's your name?"

"Huh?" 'Why me?' Even other people also frowned by her question.

"Name?" She asked again.

He hesitantly replied "Ashish. Why miss?"

She didn't answer him either and back to the asst manager "So according to this restaurant's assistant manager i am the culprit! Right?"

He felt bad premonition by her question but didn't take it seriously and discourteously with heavy voice replied "Ma'am do you think I have all the time in earth to handle your matter can you please do it fast because I don't have time for you people. We have work to do"

"Don't worry I will give you all the time in earth to do anything you like in just 5 minutes. I'll show you what is authority" She authoritatively said and smiled while looking down towards her phone.

"Who the hell do you think you are. If you wont apologize to her right away, I will ask securities to throw you out and moreover I will blacklisted to you from this restaurant and our branches anywhere in this city." He yelled when he understand what she meant. But right away another voice came from his behind.

"Who the hell do you think you are to even talk to her like this, do you even know who she is?"

When everyone looked back towards the entry gate they saw the middle aged man with black coat and specs, with some sweats on his face, which shows he was in hurry when he was coming here. Without wasting any time they all with asst-manager, Sub assistant and receptionist shouted at once...

"General Manager!"