Serene should take responsibility

"God! Is she a devil in disguise? She actually turned the table against you! I already started liking her" Varun felt like he was in heaven to actually find someone to go against his best friend. Even though he doesn't sound like a best friend. But he always wanted someone to get back to Soham. Once at least.

When Soham heard that his friend started like his molester he wanted to kill this bastard at once "Do you wanna die? I don't mind killing you." 'just say yes'

Varun definitely got that killing intent from his friend and changed the topic for his own good "Hehehe. So what are you gonna do now? Let her go?"

Soham scoffs disdainfully, letting her go after all this will be an insult to him. Forgiving her? "In her dreams! Sue her family"

Varun choked on his saliva, sued her family just for a hug! "What! Are you serious?" 

"Earlier I wasn't but now yes. It could have been sorted out if she had apologized right away. But now she challenged me. Sue her family with any reason and ask them to ask their daughter to apologise to me if they want to live a normal life." Earlier filing a report against her was just to threaten her but now it's to win over her confidence.

"Soham, I think you are going too far, we -" Varun tried to pacify him but as usual was stopped again in the middle.

"Do as I say." Soham domineeringly said and went out of the office without looking towards the principal who was waiting for an hour to greet him properly. But yet was ignored again.


While going downstairs Soham got a call from his mother. He irritatingly picked up "Yes mom"

"Why do you sound so angry?" His mother asked with amusement. She is sure something bad must have happened. His son doesn't show this much emotion just on call, it must be something very irritating that he forgot to mask his emotions.

Soham calmed himself and then replied nonchalantly said "Nothing say" 

"I am sure something happened to say" His mother didn't budge from her question. Even though she called him for an important document while she is still in the meeting but still it can wait whereas this is more interesting and important.

"Mom should I cut the call?" He knew that his mom would not stop bugging him this easily but he is already very irritated by Serene. He can't afford more. Serene really annoyed him by  showing those proofs. 

To him it was a clear indication that she planned every single thing that day. Wearing a mask all day then hacking in 5 seconds which is not possible if someone is not already prepared herself. And especially those ragging parts. It was all planned.

When his mother heard a threatening tone she was vexed too and yelled "Fine do that and you will never see my face again."

"Mom don't you have anything to do?" Because of frustration he didn't notice that someone came to the emergency exit stairs too now.

"Yes I do, and that is to interfere in your life with all my might." She proudly declared like it was something every single parent should do no matter how old your child is.

"..." Soham chuckled lightly, his mom can actually be shameless without restraint "Should I clap or give you a grateful speech"

"Say" his mother bugs him again.

Soham pursed his lips to hide his frustration from Serene but said anyway in the end. "Someone assaulted your son by hugging him forcefully plus didn't leave any evidence and in last she threatened him by saying that she could sue him with defamation charge but by pitying me she forgave me for what I don't know. But what is worse is that I couldn't do anything to her yet. Anything else you wanna know mother?"


'lots, lots of information let me get a hold of myself first.' After 10 seconds she said again "What's her name? Which class, course, year, tell me everything." With a very serious tone she asked him. Like one word from his son and she would kill that lass right away. Obviously she loves his son. 

Soham felt his mother's seriousness and felt better that someone cares for him and understands him that he isn't wrong. "Don't worry mother, I'll handle it." He said politely while leaning on the side wall.

"Say or I will come over."

"Sigh... mom do you think I can't handle this little matter even. You don't need to know. I am hanging up"

"Stop okay I won't do anything just tell me. I promise I won't say a word"

While rolling his eyes he replied "Serene no last name, course economics Class A year 1.  I will handle it, don't worry." He knows his mother won't do anything because she just likes to know every single person in his life.

"No you don't handle this kind of thing, I will personally go for a proposal."

"What proposal?"

"Marriage proposal or what?" His mother energetically said. Finally she found someone who can tackle his son, and win too.


"Don't worry I won't let her go before she takes responsibility of yours!" His mother said with assurance in her voice for her son.

"Mom do you think I have been defiled by her and she needs to take responsibility?" Soham couldn't believe that even his mom was taking that lass side too moreover what Marriage proposal? And with whom she doesn't even know.

"Of course and she will. Don't worry I will persuade her." 

"MOM! I am hanging up and don't you dare to do anything for me ever."

'Soham listen-"
