Never bother each other again

Right after Soham took his seat their teacher came too. Class was quite silent already by Serene outburst. No one spoke a word whole time.

Teacher took his class for one hour. He was quite satisfied with his students. It was a rare view to find his students obedient without him telling them to be.

All the time during class Serene continuously sends daggers through her eyes to Soham. She really wanted to kill him today.

Though she don't believe in what Roy said but Soham was partially at fault too. She just hope he wasn't included in article incident or she wouldn't know how to react.

She wanted to punish the culprit since morning, but if he is the one who did that, she won't be able to do anything in return.

It's not like she can not harm him, instead she didn't wanted to take revenge on him. If what happened today was revenge, then she didn't want to continue this revenge thing more.

Soham can definitely feel the stare or daggers he was getting from the back seat. He didn't feel anger that someone dare to send killing daggers to him instead he was quite satisfied that all her attention was on him the whole time.

The moment class ended, Serene immediately packed her bag and asked Roy to do the same. Both ran out of the class immediately.

When Soham noticed her running away from class without minding his presence he felt little annoyed. He also took his books and went out of the class with both Varun and Bhumit frustratingly.

They were crossing the pathway to reach the other building of college where their private room was, but suddenly they were blocked by two familiar silhouettes.

When Bhumit saw Serene and Roy standing in front of them, he immediately covered hid face with a mask and hoodie. He didn't want Serene to know that he is Soham's friend this soon.

Serene did noticed some action behind Soham and tilted her head lightly to look back clearly what's happening.

"Hey you can you remove your mask please." She finds him familiar for some reasons and asked him to remove mask to see his face

With her question Bhumit got stiff with worry but Soham was dissatisfied. He suddenly didn't want her attention to be on someone else other than him.

"Why?" He immediately hid Bhumit behind his back and looked straight to her eyes. He was initially content that she shows up but now...

She better just face him.

Serene also stopped her interrogation with Soham's question and get to the main question for which she came. She turned to Soham and asked directly "Did you do that?"

She doesn't believe that her judgement can be wrong. She doesn't find Soham that kind of guy to actually get back to her with this kind of cheap trick.

Since morning she was contemplating that if he really did that or not. But after seeing him in the same class, she decided to ask him directly. That's why she ran out of the class immediately after the end of session, to wait for him at a secluded place.

"Did you do that?" She asked again.

Of course he didn't but... Soham didn't reply to her immediately. First time ever, even though he wasn't wrong but he felt guilty. He actually didn't know how to answer.

He didn't do that but, he was the reason. His friend got to find this because of him. That girl or culprit did this to her because of him.

Moreover this morning he didn't do anything to clarify this article even when he had the chance because of self esteem.

No matter what reason, he find himself guilty.

Serene scoffed, when she saw his guilty eyes, with disappointment. She was disappointed, highly disappointed. 

"Well, I got my answer. I am mad but it's okay. I know why you did that. I am not gonna ask you to take back what you did, if it helps you to satisfy your ego I accept this insult one last time.

Okay then! You took your revenge, you saw me suffering today with your own eyes, which must have satisfied you. 

So here I hope you end this revenge game with me here and now. I promise to never get into your way ever again. And I hope you won't bother me either. 

Whatever happened this week, i'll just forget it as a bad dream. I hope you do that too. I can't accept any more insult to satisfy your anger anymore.

I am not threatening you just warning you to do any single thing against me again, and I will show you with whom you messed up.

Plus I would like to tell you one last thing, next time if you wanna take revenge on some other girl please don't abuse her character. It matters a lot for a girl to be called as slut by the whole college." She left with Roy after saying.