He hates their closeness

When Soham heard the conversation of both of them! He started getting furious.  The conversation was too friendly and and looked very intimate if someone looked at it from a distance. 

He never thought that these two could be friends. moreover this close. He wanted to stop both of them but angrily forgot it too.

When he saw the laughter of that girl, that too for another man. He gets more angry with his friend. He didn't ask her to come into this group to find her long lost friend!

He knows somehow that what he is thinking is nowhere near right and strange all of the above but that moment he just wanted to separate those friends forever.

He knew he cannot act rashly in front of them so first he tried to calm himself. He was just between in his calming process when he noticed Serene looking at him with the surprise expression and then Bhumit. He wanted to ask but before he could do anything Bhumit replied to her.

"Don't worry! It's just our little secret promise." Bhumit said.

Hearing his friend's answer, his anger came back immediately. They even have secrets between them!? He coldly looked towards Bhumit "Your little secrets?" He gritted his teeth to control himself.

Bhumit didn't notice the change in air which was a little bit lower than the before and answered excitedly "Yeah!"

Serene as a sensitive girl already knew the change Soham had but when she thought about the past incident with him she thought it was his natural behaviour.

"Hey why were you not there in the park this Wednesday! I went there to search for you." She asked.

After hearing that, Soham forgot where he was and threateningly looked at Bhumit with all his thorns up "You guys meet in parks?"

He is sure that Bhumit knew about him and Serene incidents but he never cared about telling him that he is meeting her behinds there back.

When Bhumit felt the dangerous vibes from his side he took a step away from Soham instantly. He was scared to hell when he saw Soham's dark face as coal looking at him like a prey. He finally realised in what condition he put himself in. He meekly replied "…. yeahh" 

But before the devil could do anything Bhumit turned towards Serene and said hurriedly "Okay let's discuss how and whom to assign what task. We will do chits." He said and took his seat two desk away from Soham.

Varun and Bhumit made five chits with equal distribution of work. Roy felt excited to work with his seniors and moreover those seniors who always topped the every exam. He happily joined them.

When no one was looking, Bhumit made some marks on two chits with two red dots and mixed it with the others.

Varun spread the chits on his desk. Soham casually took the two chits out of five with him. Bhumit raised his eyes with surprise. 

Is it coincidence? 

He wanted to do the distribution initially but Varun did it before telling anyone. He also wanted to take those two chits and give it Soham and Serene but Soham already took it without anyone's help. 

When he saw Soham giving one of the two chits in his hands to Serene he smirked. He almost believed that it was a fate but it wasn't. Soham also knew what was in that chit.

When the chits were about to distribute Soham marked the same chits with his nail imprints. For him it was reasonable because he is the one who helped her get a nice group. So she must work with him only.

Serene looked at the chit in Soham's hand with shock. It was casual behaviour with others but Soham! She for some reason felt it was a gentle behaviour but then again she remembered what he did and forgot all the gentle things she thought.

The group was divided into three departments where Presentation will be given by Bhumit, presentation will be prepared by Varun and Roy both. And last but not the least Research which was all on Serene and Soham.