Pulling his leg

Soham frowned slightly. He doesn't think that he said something that strange for any exclamation. "Yes. Why any problem?" She doesn't want him to do it?

She almost twitched her lips in annoyance. How can she be so ignorant towards the donors of her Orphanage? 

It was always Harry who managed the transaction of his friend's donation every month. She never thought of checking out their name either? What she was thinking all this time? Never even cared about knowing their name!

She noticed that she hadn't replied to him yet, so instantly answered "No there's no problem. It's just that, it's kinda a big coincidence. The place I am volunteering from 2 years, is where you are donating for this long too. And we never met before."

He didn't think about the reason why she would know that he is donating for two years. Because the relationship he can see between the headmaster and her, tells him that she would easily know the number of donors for this orphanage.

"Well I only do transactions through cheques when I need to check other commodities in an orphanage. Otherwise, online." He went forward for the walk around the place with her. 

He always transfers money to Harry for donations. 

He only comes to the orphanage every three months, to know if they are lacking something for the kids. 

The population of this orphanage is already very large. The shortage of books for kid's studies happened from time to time. He takes care of that section allotted to him by Harry's sister.

Soham walked slowly instead of his normal speed with her. He wanted to spend more peaceful time with her like this. All this time the only stuff they talked about was, some useless assignment. But now they are just talking about casual stuff and nothing serious. He isn't greedy, he is satisfied with this only.

He was also stunned when he saw her here. But he understands too why she said that. He would never care about anyone before less talk about girls. This time he wanted her, that's why he noticed her from that far away even.

She thought while walking around the orphanage with him. "Yeah. I never knew that you are one of the five above." Actually it's shocking to see him here plus more shocking to know that he is her brother's friend. 

"Why? Am I not someone who looks kind enough!" He asked seriously to know her thoughts but Serene took it another way. Which was funny.

"Don't even let me start about the suing thing even and especially the article. You know pretty well." She said cheekily to pull his leg.

All the time she spent with him this week was actually nice. Though he irked her a lot but she knew that he wanted her to open up. 

Moreover all this time he was very gentle and genuine towards her, no where near the cold nature she got from him in her first week of college. 

Though she doesn't understand why he is being nice to her suddenly, she accepts it anyway.

Soham slightly panicked by her reply and blamed himself for being this rude to her in the past. It was a one time event but it was too memorable to be forgetful. 

"What I did that day was on impulse. I -"

Serene stopped him in the middle "It's okay. I am not blaming you. What I did was totally wrong to be sued. Don't mind my words. I said it kiddingly really." Serene with a bright smile on her face said to him to sooth his tensed expression.

"Well i-" he didn't continue and went away without saying anything.

Serene noticed the change in his expression. She instantly catches up to him. She knows by his talk that he is sorry for what he tried to do in the past but he will still do it if he is given another chance. 

"Something happened?" She asked softly.

"You will laugh if I tell you." He scoffed. The reason he did that wasn't wrong but that's the worst and the least too he could do to someone.