Are you her boyfriend

"Your x-ray reports are not good, Serene, you hurt your back pretty badly. How did you even manage to bear this pain for so long." Doctor asked seriously, the injury she suffered isn't that easily to bear.

Serene cheekily smiled like she did something to be proud of "Hehehe I know, I almost cried too and once-" she stopped instantly when one dark face came in front of her with a full displeased look. 'Did she said something wrong?'

Soham looked at her with all disappointment. He can't believe that even after hearing her damn bad condition, she could still smile happily and joke about. He is worried sick over here, but she doesn't even care? He can't even imagine how bad it must be painig her.

When the doctor saw Soham's cold expression, he actually felt better. Of these two kids at least there's one who is reasonable.

He first assured him, which is his job, but here the patient looks like she doesn't need it but atleast patient family need it.

"It's okay sir, a good bed rest will do for her. I am applying the elastic bandage on her back and some relief balm for now. But it's really important for her to restrain her body movements as much as you can for at least three days. Those medicine must be taken properly for a better and fast recovery." Doctor informed Soham while writing the prescription for medicines.

Soham took the note of everything he said about precautions for her. "Will do." He replied to Doctor after knowing all the dosage time.

Serene meekly smiled and looked at the doctor with persuading eyes "Will two days work?" She has college after two, does she have to miss it?

"No." Doctor shook his head slightly.

"No!" Soham also said it immediately with disagreement. He was considering four days rest, and here she is trying for two!

She pouted angrily. She doesn't like when she is forced to do something. She never even followed a routine in her life ever before. And here she will be locked for the whole three days. Ahhh...

"Okay i'll do as you say. Give me the medicines and please write it on paper with little clean and normal handwriting about it's doses." She said to the doctor.

When the doctor heard her, he frowned confusingly. He thought that these kids were together but now they are talking this way.

'Might be just in relation or something.' He thought. "You guys are not together? Then call your guardian. I'll inform them about your condition." Last thing was for Serene.

Serene shook both her hands in front of her. "No, no it's alright, I don't have anyone at home right now. But i'll take care of myself properly." She said while showing her fist with determination.

Doctor didn't believe in all these determination things, especially when he saw how lightly she took her condition even when it's this severe and she can feel it too.

"But how will you manage that for the whole three days? Your food is important too for medicines to work. No, you shouldn't go that way. You should get hospitalised in this case" If she won't take care of her health properly it can be worse in future.

The moment she heard hospitalisation she almost shouted "NO! I am all good. I'll manage. Just give me the prescription."

Doctor sighed and looked at Soham, knowing that at least he is reasonable with her health "Are you her boyfriend? Tell her it's not right."

"No he isn't my-" Serene tried to correct it but was stopped by another voice.

"I will. Give me those medicines, I'll take care of her." Soham didn't reject the boyfriend tag and took the prescription in his hand from him.

"Good then." Doctor said and went out.