Being in trial relation

She yawned without care. 

Soham chuckled when he saw her go without worrying about the world. He bent down on his one knee and looked at her eyes like this was the new thing he started to like about her. 

Serene opened her drowsy eyes and looked at him strangely. 

To his surprise she suddenly touched his face with her hand with confused eyes. "Are you real? Why am I seeing Soham the first thing in the morning? Am I hallucinating?"

Soham smiled gently and shook his head in disagreement. 

Serene eyes widened and was about to sit abruptly when Soham held her shoulder and forced her back on bed. "What happened yesterday?" He raised his eyebrows with amusement.

Serene shocked face turned to frowning and then gasped. She finally remembered everything. She embarrassedly laughed. "Yeah..."

He shook his helplessness. "Let me help you sit up properly. Let me know when your drowsiness will go, I'll take you to the washroom." He helped her sit up. 

"Thank you" 

"No need to. Just freshen up you need to take medicines too after breakfast." He went out to bring warm water for her.

Serene shook her head to get her sleepiness away from her. She took a deep breath and grasped everything. It was really shocking for her to see Soham first thing in the morning. She never saw anyone except Harry and Henry. Moreover It's Soham to begin with. It scared the hell out of her.

"Good now?" Soham asked while passing her the cup.

"Hmm" she drank all the water in once. "Sorry I got startled a little bit." 

"It's okay but get used to it. We are living together for the next few days." And now he finds five days are too less for him. 'Should he talk to her brother again?' He shook his head immediately. 'She will kill him.'

"Let's help you to freshen up" He picked her carefully but got slapped on his arm. He frowned and looked at her in his arms. 

"Don't say that way and carry me after that especially. It felt like I am some kind of kid." She said and hugged his neck.

He chuckled and took her to the washroom directly. The awkwardness they had at first wasn't there anymore. He noticed that even when she was complaining she didn't feel uncomfortable at all. The moment she hugged his neck, he felt totally rightful about what she did. 

"Hey don't you think we look like a married couple?" She asked when he was helping her by taking out her brush and toothpaste for her.

"You bet. I think if we were a little older, we could have tried that too." He said back amusingly. He would love it.

Serene washed her face with towel and looked at him with a grin on her lips. She playfully slapped his arm "Oh that's exciting why don't we do that. I heard this from friends series, let's try this."

He scrunched his eyebrow with a smile. "What exactly do you wanna try?" 

She held his neck back again to go out of the washroom. She sat down on the couch and said. "When we get around 23 and if we both don't get any girlfriend and boyfriend. We will become a couple. What do you say?"

"Couple you mean relationship?" His face was blank like he was considering the relationship real for their life.

"Yes that's what it means." She bobbed her like a chicken. It's not a big deal to think about this matter. Which matters after 5 five year anyway.

He sat down beside her and passed her the fruit pallet. "...Hmm interesting but... Why don't we do a trial right now?"

"You say what?" 

"What, you don't like it? Or you are... are already in a relationship?" He still isn't sure about the second matter. Though he is sure somehow, he wants to listen to her directly.

"Neither but you wanna do this?" She nonchalantly replied.

He smiled victoriously. She has no one in her heart. That's good. That's how a student must act. 

He turned his body towards her and in a deep voice. "Yes why not?"

"Okay I am on it. But I would like to tell you that I am way better at flirting. Better you don't get moved too much and won't be able to leave me after 5 days."

"Just save yourself" 'Because I have no plans of leaving you'