His raging eyes

"See girl, I never get upset this easily but when someone gets on my nerves, that someone better be prepared for hell." She said coldly and threw all the food mess on her jacket on Rutaksha's face.

Rutaksha's chest rises and falls, feeling miserable. She doesn't believe it. Earlier she couldn't afford to lose her face but now it's all over. Her expression gradually distorted. Right now she only wanted to kill this bitch in front of her.

Before she could say anything, Serene went out already from there. Rutaksha looked right and left but couldn't find it. In frustration she lash out of the hall.


College private room

"God! look at these guys." Varun shouted and ran to his friends. Bhumit took a glance at him from the documents in his hand with raised eyebrows. Soham didn't look up either and kept looking at his computer.

Varun placed his phone on the table and showed them. In his phone there was video of the canteen hall when the Serene incident with Rutaksha.