Turned table

Yesterday Rutaksha went straight home crying. She did not even clean her dirty clothes in anger. She wanted to show her parents how Serene treated her. But when she reached home, Amrita already went out of town with Ankit.

When Ankit came to know about the matter, he came back right away but Amrita couldn't. But they already decided how to deal with Serene. If it was someone else Ankit would have checked about the background and power before doing anything but now, an orphan dares to go against him! He can't take this insult.

Amrita waited for Ankit's response but her gaze changed instantly and she frowned at her husband who wasn't going as they planned. For some reason, the man who should have been shouting and being aggressive at Serene by now, was suddenly lost his ability to speak. Why?

Before Ankit could say or do anything, two policemen entered the room. "Yes, may i know who reported harassment?"