Judged her

In return Serene sheepishly smiled and replied. "Because he loves me and he don't wanna lose me"

Soahm took a seat beside her with a slight smile and curious eyes.

"What do you mean?"

A sweet smile appeared on her face and her eyes curved like two crescent moons. "I just have little issue with my temper."

"Your issue and with temper?" He chuckled with an amusing look. He can not imagine her in that way.

"Yes." Serene nodded profusely.

She never showed that to anyone but she is very good with keeping a grudge in her heart.

"So… Explain…" He beckoned her to continue with his brows.

Serene took a sip of her coffee and took his support to sit straight with back support.

"Amm… Actually you know, when I have a quarrel with anyone, I just tell them to not talk to me for that day and the next day after a good sleep I will be back to normal like nothing ever happened before."

"Then isn't it good for sorting out things with you this easily?"