He was insecure

"Flower boy?" With raised brows she asked. Who is that dimwit who made Soham feel jealous of. Now she is infuriated that someone made him jealous and caused the rift almost between them.

Soham's brows furrowed remembering the incident that happened last day. He still didn't forget his anger towards that flower boy. If he had the chance last day, he would have crushed that flower boy with his flower.

With a sulky voice he said annoyingly. "The one who asked you for a date yesterday in the canteen."

"Huh?" She slightly frow and finally remembered that actually happened.

Since last night she has been reminiscing about what could have happened that made Soham this cold towards her now she finally started to get what might have happened. She almost forgot that person whose name she actually forgot did create a little scene in canteen.

Great now she will also call him flower boy.

"That one." She understandably said.