Are you jealous?

Serene slightly looked up and saw him smiling. All though the arc was really small to be considered negligible as well but Serene knew he was genuinely happy about something.

Earlier she doubted that she might have misunderstood him but later she saw him patting Ayesha's shoulder and now his smile. Things got clear in her mind. Soham actually asked Ayesha out as his date.

Without minding his presence she started working on her projects to distract herself from him. 

Three hours later when Soham was done with his documents too he found Serene still busy on her laptop. He was a little hungry as he didn't have his lunch but still he waited for her to complete her work.

After like one and half hours later she finally put down headphone and the documents in her hand.

Noticing that she was finally done Soham stood up, went near to the desk, passed her water bottle to stay hydrated.