Clingy Soham

"You... You are so childish Soham let's go." She tried to take the hem of his blazer but he backed away

"No. You promised you would stick to me." He complained. 

"Okay let me hold you." With a sigh she came back to his side and held him. On their way back Serene with a suspicious look, look at him.

"Why do I think that from the last four three days you are becoming more and more clingy and sensitive to me?"

"Me?" With a sly look he asked.

She poked his arms. "Aren't you?"

He smirked and shook his head. "I didn't even start being clingy to you. If i start you won't be able to

 afford me at that moment." He provokingly smiled at her.

"You dare me?" She asked

"What do you think?" He asked back.

With a click of her tongue she accepted his challenge. "Try me."

The moment she said Soham grabbed her arm and swung her towards the back side corridor for the back stage. "Ouch Soham! What are you doing!" Though she wasn't hurt, she  got scared by his actions.