Full of misunderstanding

"You dare to drive without licence Serene!" Harry from the other car shouted. He was driving as Roy was sitting on a shotgun seat. And Henry was at passenger seat. Both cars were in sync, Harry window faced the shotgun seat of Serene's car where Soham was sitting. They already drove for 5 continuous hours.

Serene got a little scared but she thought that they can't disclose their relation and Harry can't scold her in front of Soham so, she provokingly smiled and said. "Ohh please. It's not like you are my guardian Harry! Stop disturbing." 

Harry got furious. His punishment for her is what she deserves. And now driving the car by her is totally against his order. "Serene you better change the seat!" He yelled again.

Teasing Harry by making a face for him she looked away from him and complained to Soham. "Soham he is disturbing me!"

"You-!" Harry was really irritated by Serene now but before he could yell again...