I don't have parents

"What are you looking at?" Soham asked. Since he came back with Henry, Serene was continuously looking at him.

"I think you like Henry more than me?" She stated.

This man was having mood swings earlier. He didn't want to talk to her either. But now after visiting the gents washroom with her brother he is suddenly in a good mood. She can easily see how happy his eyes are now. What did they do in the washroom?

Soham himself knew what she meant. Of course he will be happy to get her brother consent but he can't tell her that. To distract her attention from the topic he teasingly said. "Well he is an obedient kid unlike you." 

Serene scrunched her face unhappily. What is obedient? Will obedience bring her food? No.

Other friends on her table laughed at Soham 's direct words. Of course Serene is nowhere near the word obedience. Instead she is hooligan. Students of their school are afraid of her, afraid to offend her.