What is Love?

'She is awake!'

Soham himself was shocked. What he said was unexpected to himself and the more unexpected thing happened when the person from whom he should be hiding this heard him.

For a while no movements happened on that bed. Neither Soham nor Serene showed any sign of revealing what actually happened.

Looking at her peacefully sleeping face but cold sweats on her forehead he felt bad for her. Buttoning up her shirt and tucking her inside the comfort he pat her back.

"Sleep well." He said and went straight to the washroom.

'Sighhhhhh' Serene finally sighed in relief. She felt like she could win in Guinness world records with her breath control. She never thought that this would happen early in the morning.

Last night they both slept like a log but now she is all awake thanks to the surprise she never thought of having it. It was still unreal to her. She doesn't know how many times she pinched herself. But every time she cried in pain, it made her feel more in stupor.