Trust her

Coming out of their car everyone ran towards Harry's car. The car was crashed straight to the rock wall. White smoke was coming out of the engine. The car hood was smashed totally. As others reached the car, Varun got out of the car from the passenger seat, his steps were staggering.

Followed by Ishaan who was holding his forehead with a dazed look, his steps were staggering too. Harry was still in the driving seat. No one could see what happened to him as car glasses were black.

"Where is he?" Serene asked worriedly as she saw both Ishaan and Varun out of the car but not Harry.

"He is injured." Varun said. While coming out of the car he saw Harry's condition.

Serene panicked after hearing her brother's condition. "Get him out! Get him out fast!" She yelled to Bhumit who was near to that door.