Stare fight

Harry who was being ignored by Soham continuously got frustrated and almost yelled in frustration. "Are you going to ignore my presence? Like really?" He sounded angry but his voice was still low. He can't affect his sister's sleeping time no matter what condition he is in.

Soham with apathetic eyes looked up to him. "Do you need something?" He asked but his voice was still unconcerned. As a martial art, such an injury is not a big deal for them.

Harry scoffed disdainfully after hearing Soham's question. But he can still easily detect his lack of concern for him. "Finally you want to know?" He asked with raised brows.

"..." In return Soham looked away from him. Looking down Soham covered Serene with his jacket properly. As he didn't have any shawl he covered her with his jacket initially.

Harry was speechless by his reaction again. Not wanting to lose to him he said again. "I want attention." As a patient he wants some care. If his sister was awake, she would take care of him