Who would pamper her most?

"Wow he is lot tough with his sister." Varun commented. As he is a single child he always wanted a sister to dote on. 

Thinking how one brother went to spank his sister and another one who yelled at his only younger sister that way in front of everyone is really making him regretful and angry. If he was in their place he wouldn't mind what ever they do or ask he would do it for his sister. 

But not having any sibling Varun didn't know that as an elder brother their job is not only concerned with pampering them but it contains responsibility. Responsibility of their well being. 

They have to make sure that their siblings always walk on the right path. And even if they are on wrong path they have to accompany them on wrong so to bring them out of the mess at right side.

Being an elder brother you can't always be lenient to them, they need to be strict too. Ayesha and Serene both were wrong today so they needed to know what they did wrong.