
"You!" Before Serene could say anything to anyone Riya from the main gate shouted in anger.

Serene and others all turned to her voice with little frown. All students were very interested in Serene, at the moment they weren't interested in entertaining anyone else like Riya or anyone.

But when the crowd saw Riya's angry face they stopped. Though their interest was somewhere else they still like to watch big drama or scenes. They could see that Riya was really angry and came there to fight or freak out at someone. Till now the only face they had seen of Riya was a cute and gentle type but they didn't mind something new and exciting. They expectantly looked at them. And made space for them to react

Riya instantly noticed everyone looking at her. Though she wanted to rage out all her anger and embarrassment she got few minutes ago on the girl in front of her right away.