Cozy moment

"What if I am not able to reply to you." She asked.

"Then we will stay this way forever." He simply replied.

Soham laid down beside her on bed. Pulling her in his arms he hugged her tightly. Having her in his arms was the best thing he could feel in his life all the time. Not just to soothe her but also to soothe his racing heart he caressed her back in a smooth round wave.

Serene hugged him back. Their chests were touching each other. Every time they breathed they could feel their moving chests. Looking up to him Serene asked with little hesitation in her voice. "Soham what if… what if we got separated from each other later on? Like how others do."

Soham looked down at her in his arms. He felt sad hearing her question though he knows her doubts about relations he still doesn't want her to doubt his love for her. He gave her a peck on her lips before he bit her lower lips in punishment.