Talk about future

"Yes. All just by coincidence. But you know what excited me about them?" She excitedly said. 

"What?" Soham asked. 

"How they still love each other so dearly. You should have seen that Soham." She said.

Making patterns on his chest Serene thought about them. Her thoughts went to her future dreamland while she continued telling Soham about them.

"Uncle still cares a lot about Aunty's likes and dislikes. You know, they are actually still in their lovey dovey phase. The way he pampers her was really something... something I desire." She said with little dazed eyes. 

Soham didn't give that much heed to that couple until he heard her last comment on them.

"You desire?" His brows furrowed.

Pinching her chin softly he made her look at him, before he asked again. "Do I not pamper you enough."