Rishi/ Harry did something wrong

Ayesha looked around. Seeing no chance of her escape she didn't try to lie either. She understands now. She can't be this gullible and let others suffer because of her selfishness. 

"My friend, Rishi, came with me to the vendor shop. Rishi is the one who came with me the last time over here too. 

When Roy bent down his head to get his wallet. Rishi took the bottle Roy bought. In a few seconds he changed the bottle with his. When I saw that I instantly took the changed bottle from the table. 

I suspected instantly and tried to take that pack but he held my hand. He shook his head and asked me not to say anything. When Roy turned and saw the bottle in my hand he suspected too. He looked at the other pack in my other hand. 

He was about to take the right pack but I extended my hand and gave him the wrong one. I didn't tell him what happened. I just passed it to him as Rishi wanted.