Caught red handed

"Soham?" Serene's eyes widened by his arrival.

Soham naturally took his seat beside Serene before asking her gently. "Hmm. You had your dinner and medicines?"

Serene smiled hearing his question. It wasn't - 'Why are you here?' Or 'Why are you with him?' But… His concern for her.

"Yeah just finished dinner and took my medicine. Now just waiting for dessert." She replied cheekily.

Soham smiled tenderly. Patting her head, he asked. "Wanna have dessert somewhere else?" He asked unconcernedly. He didn't mind Ishaan's presence as host, his whole attention was Serene.

Serene awkwardly smiled. She didn't dare to look at Ishaan. It's very embarrassing how Soham is totally ignoring Ishaan. It would be worse if she left the table after having dinner. Won't it look like, use and throw?

With a meek voice she asked. "How can i leave like this?"