Her gift

When Soham saw the card a small smile formed on his lips. As he opened it, he saw lots of wishes written by Henry for him. He read those wishes patiently but when his eyes landed on the other page of card his mind stopped.

It was the picture he drew. A picture of Henry and Serene standing in the middle holding Harry's and Soham's hand at side respectively.

When he looked down at the photo he saw a written desire by Henry 'OUR family photo. Hope to get one soon.' Soham didn't realise that he was looking at the word and photo for a whole one minute, without caring about the people or world around him.

Reading a word, our family, an inexplicable feeling he felt inside his heart. It was a big step from Henry towards him.

He knows how much effort it took for a kid like him to trust someone. He knew the big reason Henry started trusting him was his brother and Sister. But even at that time Henry never said that he accepted him from his heart.