I can't live without you

"Of course i am. More than happy. Having you by my side is already more than enough for me. But today the surprise you gave me, the party you organise for me was totally unexpected. And then your gift..."

With a pause he took her hand from his waist and brings it in front of his lips. He kissed her ring and then intertwined his fingers with her.

Looking back to her he continued. "It made my heartbeat race crazily. This is the best birthday I ever had in my life. You made my life special and with these rings we are bound to each other, forever from now on."

Earlier they might not have the name for their relation but now with their couple rings rings it will be all clear.

Serene's heart skipped a beat by his words. Though she didn't have the chance or guts to say those words but she tried to say it out with the rings.

Bumping her head with his gently she commented playfully. "You have a nasty mouth Mr. Soham."