Serene's birthday?

Ashwin, knowing his son is obviously not in need of money or neither his daughter to buy a mansion of their choice, didn't probe that matter again and changed his way of giving Soham into another. "Okay then let us invest in your company."

"No need." Soham denied again. This time the sole reason was that he already has someone who is supporting him unconditionally.

Though he is still unsure about that person's identity but he obviously checked his best and the only intention he got from HSH was that they like to invest in new companies. They have lots of shares in big companies like Shetty's.

After Ashwin explained the situation to Aditi she was a little stunned and with clear worries in her eyes she asked. "Who is so generous enough? And why are they helping you?"

Soham's company solely stands up to the crisis even after facing the loss of investors, because of HSH. It's quite unbelievable for investors to be this generous.

"We still don't know." Soham replied.