Found her

Soham ran out of the building to find Serene right away. But even after running so fast to get her, he still couldn't find her at all.

He tried to call her but her phone wasn't reachable either. When he called both her and his place to know if she reached there or not, he got to know she didn't.

He ran to the infirmary even though he knew Serene would never go there on her own. But with his single drop hope he went... after reaching there he still couldn't find her.

He searched all the terrace of their college for no use. By the time he reached the parking lot, he saw two figures lurking around his car. Ishaan and Parth.

This time Soham directly ignored them. He care no less about their existence. In his mind and eyes all he could care or see was Serene. Ignoring them he straight went to his car.

Though Soham ignored them, Ishaan and Parth both saw him clearly. Ishaan went forward and stood before Soham. This time Soham's eyes turned cold.

"Where is she?" Ishaan asked.