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For next few next days Serene stayed with Soham at their apartment. As per doctor told them, Serene was asked to stay on bed for one or two days maximum. However as per Soham's prescription Serene was asked to stay on bed for whole three days.

Though Soham accompanied her every single minute but Serene felt exhausted by staying on bed all the day. In frustration she finally loosed her control on patience and got mad on Soham. Her tantrums got on another level when Soham didn't allow her cellphone even. So that her eyes won't be strained by those lights.

In the end Soham reluctantly agreed to her tantrums with one condition that she only allowed to attend one class at most.

Serene cheekily agreed. Of course at first agree to anything he ask and on second it's all on you and on your stubbornness.

Next morning Soham and Serene drove towards their college. Serene was very happy and was enjoying the ride to her full.