Orion's one year Anniversary

After a few more minutes Serene finally couldn't hold herself. Tapping his shoulder she asked him to stop. Soham, understanding her gesture, instantly stopped. 

Both gasped for air. Soham held her body to support her. After a few seconds, Serene finally was able to calm herself. 

Looking at Soham accusingly she said. "One kiss doesn't mean that you would suck out my soul." 

Kissing the side of her lips Soham asked. "You didn't like it? Want another one?"

Serene pouted and tried to get away but Soham didn't let her. "Love you aren't allowed to leave me." 

"But you tease me." 

"Because I like when you blush." He said as he flicked her supple cheeks.

"I don't blush!" Serene retorted but her dark red cheeks again betrayed her. 

But this time Soham didn't tease her again. Hugging her tightly he stayed there with him for the next few more minutes. 

"In half an hour you have class to attend. Then we will go back home. Okay?" Soham asked gently.