Something suspicious again

That night Serene stayed with Soham. They had stayed together for so long. Even if she stayed at an apartment or her house, they would meet every single day. 

Not being embraced by him for straight three days was very tough for both of them. That night Serene and Soham snuggled close to each other. 

The more they cuddled together the more Soham tried to merge Serene into him. Soham kissed Serene's forehead, lips, nose or cheeks a number of times. Her whole face was covered with his. 

Though Serene never giggles without being drunk but that time because Soham's butterfly kisses all her face and neck made her feel ticklish and made her giggle a lot. "Stop Soham it's ticklish." 

"I am doing nothing Serene." Soham replied before diving for another row of kisses over her neck. 

"Hahaha Soham." 

"Yes Serene."