Number of rooms

"Count again my love." He said.

The mansion was big, and it took a while for them to get inside. On their way all kinds of flower beauties were present like scenery view.

Hearing that, Serene pondered for a second. To her side looking at Soham, she answered. "Well. One is for you and one for me then-"

Cutting her words off in between Soham spoke. "Who said we are having two different rooms at our new home?" His lips already twitched not with just disagreement but also to his girl's stupid thought.

Giving his words another thought, she realised what he meant and want. Serene's mouth gaped. Nodding her head in understanding she looked at the front again before continuing with her plan. "Okay. Let's start again. One big room for us-"

"-One floor" Soham right away corrected their mansion plan.