Punishment time

"Woah uncle can speak a lot too." Harry commented in his serious tone.

Before anyone could reply to Harry's words, a couple of comments joined him by unexpected people. 

"Hehe. Seriously man."

"Yeah... He surely did spoke a lot." A laughter resounded in the dining room followed by another remark.

Everyone's eyes right away shifted towards the entrance of the hall, from where the voice came. 

There Varun and Bhumit were standing together with a fruits of basket. Where one was laughing openly, the other one was hesitantly smiling.

Getting a view of their wrongdoers, other than Harry and Henry, every person's gentle eyes from the dining table turned into cold glares. No one has forgotten how these two created those misunderstandings in Serene's head regarding her in-laws. 

Ashwin narrowed his eyes. Glancing one more time coldly at them he gave a sweet smile before saying. "Your uncle is good with kicking asses too."