Stupid idea?

"You heard me write. You have to kiss me in front of others. That's your punishment. And of course not to mention that you can ignore it." Soham repeated himself again in his nonchalant way. 

"You can't be serious." Serene asked with a twitched lips.

"I can't be more serious." Soham said with a straight face.

"Soham!!" Serene raised her voice. It's an impossible and an unbelievable task for her.

"Again... It's up to you totally. I am not forcing you." Soham said and turned himself back to face the dressing table.

Picking up his hair dryer, he continued doing his work while totally ignoring Serene's presence.

"Serene if you have nothing else to say, you can go back. And of course if you don't wanna do that, it's okay. As. I had said earlier. I already forgave you."

Serene pouted hard. She felt frustrated by such an act of ignorance. She isn't afraid of kissing Soham in front of few people.