My Sister

"WOW!!!" Serene groaned loudly.

She finds it way more idiotic that they all are blaming her just because of one single picture. She wanted to slap those mouths but also didn't want her hands to get dirty.

"You did not bother to ask me once but were too busy to blame me at once! Huh!!" Serene yelled.

The girls surrounding her got a little baffled with her question and comment.

It's true. Once they decide to blame someone because of jealousy, they don't care about the facts and truth, they only believe in what they want to.

-Ignoring the fight between Serene and others, one of the students out of the crowd said worriedly. "Hey first someone stop Soham and Harry or they will kill them!" 

While Serene was fighting verbally with other female students, Harry and Soham didn't stop themselves from hitting those faces like their own punching bag.

-"Then you tell us what is going on right away!" One of the girls shouted from the crowd to Serene's comment.