
"Soham?" She called her as gentle as she could.

"Hmm?" Soham nonchalantly looked up to her.

Getting his reply so smoothly immediately made Serene baffled. She forgot what to say. With Harry, he showed his anger, but if Soham would be nonchalance to everything, what can she do? Or from where would she start.

With an awkward smile, she walked towards him. Her steps stopped as she heard Soham's phone ringing.

"One minute." Soham raised his index finger and excused himself from her.

Serene nodded her head and took her seat on the couch beside the hanging chair. Soham stood up and walked around the terrace as he talked to his assistant on call. "Hmm. Not now. But send it by tomorrow morning. One booklet at the apartment, another one here."


"Rest of work I will discuss with her then only things will be decided and start."

"Hmm. Do it. Discuss with Victor regarding all those investments and rest."