What to do with Simons?

Next day...

"Oh! You guys are all back to your lovey dovey scenario?" Harry disapprovingly looked at the couple.

He was expecting one or two dramas as a show but in front of him both Serene and Soham were coming downstairs holding each other's hand.

Serene proudly smiled. Leaving Soham's hand she held his arm tightly. "Of course. We can't always fight with each other. We already did it a number of times."

Soham looked at her with indulgence. Pulling a chair for Serene he beckoned her to take seat.

Harry disgustingly looked at them. With a twitch lips he complained. "Hey. She is not a kid."

"I am taking your car." Soham said.

"No bike!" Serene exclaimed. "I want to ride a bike today. Please."

Serving her with a sandwich and bun, he shook his head in denial. "No. There's really a thick layer of fine dust today." 

"Waahhh!!" Serene groaned with frustration. Looking unbelievably at Soham she spoke. "You can always find an unreasonable reason to stop me from whatever I desire."