Who is elder

"Hello?" Serene picked up the phone and said.

"Sister, please , I want to go." From the other side of the call Henry desperately spoke.

Serene sighed. Looking sideways to the wall, she read the clock. She was having dinner with Bhumit and Varun when she got a call from her younger brother. The discussion was about the competition Heney wants to join. But Harry is against it.

Putting down her spoon back to her plate, she replied. "No Henry. The competition isn't that important. You can join it next year."

"Oh please sister. You know that this is one of the biggest competitions. Even you and brother got absentees in your exams because you went to participate in this competition without."

"The S country is not safe. The importance is not as big as you." She explained the reason.

Henry sighed deeply. Clenching the phone tightly he patiently reasoned. "Sister, it's been so long since they caught those traffickers. The racket has been solved. There's nothing left to be scared of."