Movie time

"Why do you have plans with Harry?" Serene asked as she put down her phone on coffee table.

Soham bit his side lips. He looked around the room and got no topic ro change. Having nothing, he answered the same way too. "Had some business work. Nothing special."

"Just you and Harry? What about Bhumit and Varun." Serene asked again in curiosity. Although she got her answers, she still finds things a little suspicious.

Soham almost coughed with his own deep silence. Looking back to the girl on the couch, he replied. "They had their plans."

"You all are having dates with each other? Isn't it a little strange?" She scoffed a little. Rolling her eyes at his answer, she slouched down on the couch fully.

Soham chuckled lightly. Walking to her side, he sat beside her and hugged her by her shoulder. "Are you prepared for exams?" He asked.


"You?" She asked.

"Good to go."

"What are we having for dinner?"

"I am having you." He whispered close to her ears.