Her tantrum saved her

"Hello?" Roy hastened voice resounded from the speaker.

"Hmm." Serene hummed in response.

"Put me off the speaker."

Serene's brows scrunched but knowing that something must be important she picked up her phone and left the hall.

"Where are you?" Roy worriedly asked.

"At home. Why what happened?" Serene asked confusedly.

"Okay listen don't shout but Riya came looking for you in the office today." He concernedly said.

"..." Serene paused. "What!" She almost shouted on top of her lungs. "She did?"

"Yes. And you are lucky that she came when i was alone in there. If she had come five minutes earlier then Harry would have been there to answer her questions."

Today Roy had some projects to take back from the office. After helping him, Harry and Varun went to grab something to eat and in that meantime, Riya came to talk to Serene and the moment she left Harry and Varun came back carrying their food parcel.