How to forget? How to Forgive?

Coming out of the door Serene straight walked towards Roy's car. Sitting on the shotgun seat she spoke. "I want to be alone somewhere for a while. Do you know any such place."

Serene's eyes and her behaviour right away told Roy that something was wrong. Understandably he didn't try to disturb her with questions, he just nodded and drove off.

Roy worriedly kept checking on her from time to time. But even after half an hour Serene spoke nothing.

Roy kept on driving and she kept on looking outside the window. After another ten minutes her phone rang.

The ring instantly broke her stupor. Her body shook with the sudden sound. By this action Roy instantly knew that something major had happened.

He never saw Serene this way. She looked very weak as if she was dying. He wanted to call Soham or Harry, but in front of her he couldn't.

He drove to the lake side but Serene didn't get off. Roy had to call others but he didn't want to leave Serene alone.