Chapter 5

On and on it went, stopping and starting, until Tracie was ready to scream. She wanted to come yet she didn't. She was beginning to understand what people meant when they talked about wanting different kinds of pain.

"Is that little cunt hot, princess?"

She opened her eyes to see Pete looming over her, the feather rod in one hand, his cock in the other.

"Yes." She had to focus to get the words out. "You know it is."

"Maybe we need to cool it off a little."

The next thing she knew he was wrapping a silk scarf around her eyes and tying it in the back. They'd been using blindfolds for weeks now.

"I want you to experience things with your other senses besides sight," he'd told her the first time. "When sight is taken away, everything else is enhanced."

He moved off the bed, and Tracie wondered what he would do next. She didn't have long to wait. She felt him peeling open the lips of her cunt as if her were opening a flower, then the shock of cold ice cubes slid into her vagina. One, Two. Three. She began to pant at the sharp sensation.

"I know that feels good," he told her. "I've had others tell me. Before. Close your eyes behind the blindfold, sugar, and everything will be sharper for you."

He was right. After she adjusted to the darkness, the sensation was sharper, stimulating. The ice didn't cool her off, only made her hotter.

"Breathe, princess. That's the girl. Here comes one of your favorite toys."

She could tell by the feel of it that he was slipping the silver bullet through the melting ice cubes into her vagina. She tried to hunch toward it, but the way she was trussed up restricted movement.

"We'll add a little something to your friend here tonight."

He gave the bullet one more little push, then turned it on low, the vibrations beginning to rocket through her cunt. She could feel her asshole begin to respond just from the radiation of the waves, compounded by the oil Pete had spread inside her. Knowing she was spread wide open only intensified the sensations, and she concentrated on control. She couldn't let herself come until he told her to.

But then she felt the feathers again and she thought her body would explode. For someone who said he'd never used them before, Pete was a natural. Over her clit, down her open cunt to her anus, back up, around and around her clit, then starting the pattern all over again. Then, just when she was ready to beg him to let her come, it all stopped - the vibrator, the feathers, everything. She wanted to sob at the empty feeling it left.

Pete was running the tip of one finger all around the edge of her cunt, along the swollen labia, down to that sensitive area near her anus, back up to just above her clit. A light touch that made her pussy muscles clench and her hips try to jerk.

"I know you want to come, princess, but when I finally let you, you'll thank me because your orgasm will be so intense." He stroked the feathers along the insides of her thighs. "I promise you."

He turned the vibrator on again, still at the low speed, but this time he concentrated the feathers only at her rectum, around and around that place he'd plundered lately with such regularity. Somehow that light touch enhanced the effects of the oil inside and increased all the stimulation to her body.

Tracie began to moan as spears of heat shot through her body. The muscles in her abdomen tightened and she could feel those in her vagina straining to reach the plateau they sought.

Pete leaned down and planted a kiss on each cheek of her ass. "I think we need a little more cooling off."

Tracie felt him spread the cheeks of her ass and then the sensation of cold hit her again. More ice cubes! He was inserting ice cubes into her ass, but instead of cooling her off, it shot her heat factor higher. She heard herself moan and sensed Pete leaning over her again. "Does that feel good, princess?" His voice was thick with lust. "Is that pretty little cunt demanding to be satisfied?"

"Yes, yes, yes," she moaned."

He planted a soft kiss on her lips, then took a moment to pull at each hard nipple with his teeth. "Tonight is about teaching you to go as high as possible before allowing yourself release. Each night we'll raise the bar a little, until you've reached the highest point possible."

Tracie didn't think she could stand it if he took her any higher, but something dark inside her said, Don't be a fool. Reach for the ultimate.

She heard him move, felt the foot of the mattress depress, and then his tongue was lapping at her, even as the vibrator continued its low hum. Her senses were going into overload, her body screaming for relief. The vibrator buzzed, Pete's tongue licked, and the dark tunnel of her ass cried for relief from the twin sensations of hot and cold.

He stopped again, and she wanted to scream at him. He stroked her inner thighs, the softness of her abdomen, her arms, whispering soft words to her until her body seemed to calm a little. And then he began again.

It went on. And on. And on. When he thought she was too close to the edge, he would use the ice cubes again, then reinsert the vibrator and begin stroking with the feathers. She had no idea how long it lasted, only that she had lost any ability to think. Every atom of her body was concentrated on her cunt and the screaming need to come. Finally, she couldn't stand it anymore.

"Please," she cried, twisting as much as the restraints allowed. "Oh, please."

"Please what?" His voice was both coaxing and harsh.

"Please let me come."

He laughed softly. "Now you can come. While I watch every spasm."

He reached down and turned the bullet on high, his thumb and forefinger working her clit. She felt something smooth between the cheeks of her ass, and knew it was the thin dildo he loved to slide inside her. One push seated it fully and she began tumbling over the edge. An orgasm of unbelievable proportions began to rip through her body.

But as she was convulsing, Pete pulled the bullet from her vagina and spread the lips wide, leaving her hungry cunt gasping for something to fill it, while her muscles spasmed and fluid poured from her like a river.

She strained against her bonds, unable to move her hands or squeeze her legs together, and now Pete was holding her pussy wide open, denying her complete relief.

"I know you want me inside you." His voice was low. "And I will be. But not until you are so hot you can hardly stand my touch. The level of pleasure, princess, remember? You have no idea how hard my cock gets looking at all those beautiful muscles inside your cunt quivering and spasming, hungry for me to fill you. And to watch that juice pour out of you. That's it, baby, Come. Keep coming."

She thought she would collapse from the intensity, until finally every last aftershock died away. Yet still she was unfulfilled, her body silently begging for the next level of pleasure. And the next.

She felt Pete rise from the foot of the mattress, heard him move around the bed, then his lips hovered over hers. "God, you're a treasure. For the first time in my life there isn't another woman who can tempt me." His mouth came down on hers and his tongue delved inside, raking over the soft inside of that warm, wet cavern. "And when this weekend is over, you'll understand more of what I mean about raising the level of pleasure."