Chapter 17

Zane had been positive the disaster with Lily had wiped out all desire to be in a D/s situation again, or any kind of sexual situation, at least until he got his shit straightened out. But there was something about Dara, her fragility, her lack of any artifice, that flipped a switch inside him. Made him want her with a sudden, explosive fierceness.

Go figure.

Maybe this is what both of you need, for different reasons.

He leaned back in the Adirondack chair and watched as she stroked his hard length with her slim fingers before lapping every inch with her tongue. Bolts of pleasure shot through him, arousing him. Her small hand inched down between his thighs to cup his balls and give them a gentle squeeze. Heat he'd never expected to feel again blasted him, scorching his nerve endings. The sight of her on her knees before him, head bent low as her tongue and her lips worked his cock knocked away the last of his reservations and breached the wall that had sprung up around him. His inner Dom who had shut himself away surged to the surface.

He threaded his fingers in her long, silky hair, winding it around his hand and gripping it so he could guide her head.

"That's it. Work that tongue. Make me feel good. Make me come."

As his climax began to build, he tightened his grip on her hair, forcing her to move her head this way and that. He wanted to prolong the feel of her tongue and her mouth but his body, so unexpectedly aroused, had its own ideas. The orgasm roared up from deep in his belly and blasted through him, gripping him like an iron fist.

His cum spurted into her throat, his cock pressing against her tongue. He gritted his teeth as he erupted again and again. Only when the last drop had jetted from his body and his muscles relaxed did he realize how tight his grip was and the pain it must be causing her. Forcing himself to unclench his fingers, he loosened their grip and smoothed the soft fall of her hair against her head. He stroked her head then slid his hand around to cup her chin in his palm. When he forced her head up so he could look into her eyes, he was almost afraid of what he would see. The last thing he expected was her plump lips curved in a tiny smile of satisfaction.

"Did I please my Master?" Her soft voice was growing on him, soothing the raw edges of his nerves.

He had half a mind to tell her what she'd done wasn't necessary, but he caught himself just in time. It was obvious this was a necessity to her, whether as a way to thank him for rescuing her or as a way to service a Dom who didn't underline everything with a streak of cruelty. Either way, she looked more at ease than he'd seen her since he'd hauled her into the bowrider. When she ran her tongue over her lower lip, his breath caught in his throat. The combination of the appearance of such pure innocence and the things he suddenly wanted to do to her, things she might be receptive to, made him feel something, want something for the first time since he'd come home.

Could he do this? Would he be able to handle it?

He would take this in small steps, he decided. He'd test just how willing she was, how tuned into things. If he'd misread this, if she showed any resistance or reluctance at all, he'd pull back. But as much as he wanted her to submit to him on so many levels, he didn't want it to be out of gratitude or overlaid with residual fear. He would begin with something other than pain. She'd had enough of that, and he wasn't sure either of them would be able to tell whether the pain he inflicted was sensual or not. No, he'd start with something that let her know she had given control to a Dom who would not abuse that right.

He leaned forward, placed his hands beneath her elbows, and urged her to her feet.

She looked at him with an expression of anxiety. "Did I satisfy my Master?"

Zane decided that insisting he wasn't her Master was getting them no place. If it helped her - and it damn sure helped him - for this short period of time, he could fulfill that role for her. But, first, he wanted to get them both inside again. He'd hoped the storm would ease the disquiet enveloping her and help him get his own shit together. But, for what he planned, inside worked a lot better.

"Yes," he told her at last. "You did well, girl."

"Thank you, Sir."

Again, the smile, transforming her entire face, easing the lines of tension in her body. It was obvious that, despite the abusive situation she'd run from, the structure of D/s was very important to her. A security blanket. A good Dom would take the time and patience to teach her self-worth, and the real importance of the gift of submission. She wouldn't be here that long, but he'd do his best to bring her a little pleasure. Maybe pleasure for both of them.

"We're going inside." He rose from the chair, holding his jeans in place with one hand. "Before that, however, you need a safe word. I insist on it."

He always did. Different subs had different limits, and he'd never push one beyond hers. When she didn't say anything, he snapped, "Now, girl. What is your safe word?"

She looked down at the floor, something she seemed to be doing a lot of. "I-I don't have one."

"You what?" Zane thought he'd misheard her.

"I, um, do not have a safe word, Sir." She was whispering now.

Anger surged through him, but this time it was icy cold, the kind that made you want to kill someone. The world of BDSM had a hard and fast rule - no safe word, no play.

"And why not?" He made his voice as gentle as he could. He didn't want to frighten her when it seemed they were making tiny strides here.

She stared at him as if he was speaking a foreign language.

"My Master said I didn't need to tell him how much pain was too much, or what I didn't like. It was his job to make those decisions for me."

If the asshole had been standing in front of Zane at the moment he would have gladly broken every bone in his body. He had destroyed part of the key concept of the D/s relationship - trust. It was supposed to be a power exchange, but apparently this guy got off on having all the power himself. No wonder Dara was so beaten down and had risked her life in this storm to find safety.

He opened the door and urged her ahead of him. When they were inside, he led her over to the big armchair, sat down, and tugged her to stand between his legs. He wanted her with a physical desire so overwhelming that not even the exquisite orgasm she had just given him sufficiently took the edge off. For so long, he'd felt nothing but pain and now - now his salvation was in the form of this sweet but damaged woman. He must be losing his fucking mind.

"Listen carefully to me." It was a struggle to keep his voice calm and even. "Never, ever, ever, let anyone tell you that you don't need a safe word. You hold that power. You can tell your Master just how far he can go and just how much you can tolerate."

She looked up at him, eyes wide. "And he will stop?"

"Yes. That is, if he's a trained Dom. If he isn't, never go anywhere with him outside of a club." He blew out a breath. So, now, let's find a safe word for you. Your choice."

She wrinkled her forehead for a moment then gave him a tentative smile.


He quirked an eyebrow. "Storm? That's your word?"

She nodded. "Because the storm brought me here. To safety."

Zane ground his teeth in frustration. "Dara, how do you know you're safe here? I could be another monster like your Master."

"No." She shook her head. "I feel differently with you than I did with him. I, um, was afraid at first, but you're so different."

He barked a laugh. "But you know nothing about me."