Chapter 52

"You have discovered how to defeat the Fabula!" Everett said excitedly as Taylor wrapped up the story by explaining the events that had just transpired in the gardens of the castle.

Taylor frowned at the goblin. "What do you mean No, I have no idea how to defeat her."

"But you just told me so yourself," he said excitedly. "You said that when you took the Fabula's hand in your own, intent on helping her after the bozdog bit her, a wave of peace and contentment flowed through you."

"Yes….," Taylor said slowly. "But how can that help me defeat the Fabula I don't understand, Everett. And don't give me any more of those riddles that you creatures of the Realm are so fond of reciting."

"It's simple," Everett was talking so fast that he was stumbling over his own tongue. "You know that the Fabula is your own shadow self, constructed entirely of dark and unhappy thoughts and emotions."