Chapter 15

Retracing my steps saved my life, and I stretched to pick up the satchel carefully. I fished through the contents as the teenager continued wailing. Drowning him out was easy, while I concentrated on remembering what was inside. I took out a small vial of Blue Diamonds.

"Maybe you'll learn not to steal from others. Here, open your mouth," I proposed, nearing him with the vial.

"Nooo... I don't wanna die that way, no poison!"

"It's not poison."

"What is it?"

"Doesn't matter, it'll ease the pain," two drops landed on his dry tongue, I was praying that the people at Wren wouldn't notice.

"It...taste funny."

I closed the satchel up and looked at the compass. The direction I planned to go now looked like a minefield with a plethora of boobie traps. Perfect time to have a pet sidewinder test the way forward. There's got to be a safer path. I turned back to the teenager. He had low sobs now. A collection of muted cries, snot running down his nose, dealing with his situation. The hair on his head was bright red like wildfire, freckles sprinkled on the bridge of his nose, and cheeks.

"You know where Wren is?" I inquired.

"Who's Wren? Look, I'm sorry, don't kill me, man. I don't know anything, I'm new."

"That might be the only thing we have in common. What did you do to get in here?"

"I...I mean it was an accident. The gun was supposed to be empty. They said it was involuntary manslaughter."

"Who was it?"

" stepfather. I just meant to scare him."

"Are you claimed?"

"Claimed by what?"

I shook my head. He has no idea the danger he's in, even if he does survive this ordeal. I took in a panoramic view of where I ended up after the chase. Wondering how far down the path I was, thinking of an alternative. Putrid smells of rotting flesh were proof that we stepped right into the killer's lair.

Instead of stakes with heads, there were crucified bodies on short, barren trees. Carved on their foreheads were the words 'Unclaimed'. This must be what Zed meant at drop off. 'If you're unclaimed within a week, I will assume you have been killed.' Maybe this is the work of a sadistic crowd who lurks the flatland looking for easy kills.

I picked up a small rock near my foot, hurled it forward. As it landed, another bear trap snapped into the air. The clashing sound of the steel made the teenager's pain worsen. One down, I thought to myself, and I threw three more. All three resulted in a bear trap springing from the dirt.

A heavenly voice called to me from across the presumed minefield. I promptly ignored it, searching for more rocks on the ground. That sidewinder venom must be stronger than I thought. Moments later the voice doubled. I shielded my eyes from the unforgiving sun to peek down and saw two still bodies. They were standing up, but appeared like a mirage, floating above the ground. Are they my guardian angels? Or devils luring me to my doom? The dual voice spoke again. When did mirages start talking?

"Follow us if you are headed to Wren," said the twins simultaneously.

"You two? From before, you told me of Serene, and showed me Leif's body."

"Yes, do you have the gold coin?"

"Do you have the other one?"

"No, we are not from Wren. Follow us, we know the route to avoid the traps."

"What about the boy?"

"Unless you are willing to carry him, he now belongs to The Collector. However, when you get to Wren, you will need to explain his existence. They will not take kindly to sudden changes. He may end up getting you killed. A mercy killing is the best solution. The Collector will no doubt be more...heavy-handed. He believes in making a spectacle of the crestfallen."

"Please...take me with you. Please!" the teenager screamed.

"Have you ever killed before?" I asked the twins.

"We have."

There I was, choked by the mortal coil. The tears streaming down the teenager's face looked like rivulets. I did have the gun, I could just shoot him in the head. Close up shot to the temple, he wouldn't feel anything. I'd be saving him from The Collector.

"Just get me to the other side, and leave me there. All I ask is to get away from this place before I end up like them!" the teenager pleaded, pointing to the crucified bodies.

Morally, I knew I didn't want the teenager to be murdered in this fashion. To know that he was beheaded or crucified. I kneeled down and examined the bear trap going through his leg. The mangled flesh in-between such strong steel points. No amount of strength could pry them apart. I put my hand in the bag, cradled the handle of the gun.

"There is a switch near the lower left side. Click it twice, and the trap will fall horizontally once again," the twins said.

"Those talking shadows are so smart," the teenager replied, feeling the effects of Blue

Diamonds. "When did the sky turn purple?"

I located the switch quickly, clicked it twice, and saw the gashes left in his leg. For him to continue living without a limp was virtually impossible. Calculating his weight in my head, I concluded that there was no way to carry him. He only had one option.

"Walk with me," I offered my hand to his, and he gripped it tightly.

After lifting him up, the twins guided us through the maze. Gratefully, it is two of them and two of us, we mirrored their movements. At one point the twins said to walk 'inverted counter-clockwise'. We got so confused that they had to simulate the meaning using their hands. An open palm for the ground, and fingers as legs.

There were an odd series of lefts and rights, even moments that made us walk backward three steps just to go forward one. How did the twins know all this? It must be common knowledge. I wondered why Puck and Tomorrow never warned me, probably to test me. The teenager was numb by then and able to move better than expected. Once across the maze of traps, I saw Wren in the distance, maybe five miles away. A behemoth of a Fold Mountain, eclipsing Hornet tenfold. A tight squeeze occurred around my waist, the teenager hugged me fiercely. He transferred energy of gratefulness through the gesture, holding on longer than normal, teetering on awkward.

"I owe you my life. When I heal, I'll come find you. I want you to claim me," he said, eyes as big as saucers.

"I don't think it works that way," I responded.

"I don't care. I'll find you again," he gushed, limping away towards the east.

"What's your name, kid?"


"Till we meet again, Amis. And don't steal from nobody else."

"I won't!" he said, as the distance grew between us.

The twins eyed the satchel, confused.

"Is the bag full of coins?"

"No, it's...other things."

"No matter, you can continue on now. Should fate bring us together again, I cannot say."

They started walking in that weird, perfect stroll. Mimicking the other in precise timing, moving as one. That's twice now they've saved me. Whatever newfound feelings Amis had for me, I had for them. Before my journey turned solo, I yelled out to them.

"That night...when you showed me, Leif, dead on a tree. Did you see who killed him?"


"...was it me?"


"Do you know who did it?"

"We are not at liberty to divulge such information."

" name is Lex, by the way!"

"We are Sice and Sana. You may address us as The Masons. That is our surname."

The Masons had a nice ring to it. Before me, in a vast amount of space, the flatland seemed eerily empty. The wind whipped by, finally breaking the heat. My compass was stuffed into the pocket opposite my box cutter, and I let the monolith serve as my guide. You couldn't miss Wren at this distance. It spoke to you spiritually, inviting you into itself.

Finally, about two miles away, I noticed the sun symbol carved into the trees nearby. There was a multitude of shrubs and random plant life the closer I got, but still no people. A small river to my left, beautiful and clean with sparkling blue water. At its edge I looked over, admiring it. Still cautious, it could be more poisonous than Serene. But a lovely sight nonetheless. Even the bottom had an amazing glow about it. Till I realized the river floor was littered with gold coins. All with the sun symbol.

A sniper bullet carved a thin line across my cheek. By the time my hand responded to shield it, a spray of blood came out. I stumbled but made sure to keep the satchel on my person.

"Next shot goes into the forehead," a feminine voice screamed out, but from where I couldn't tell.