Chapter 28

Roaring reverse thrusters snapped me back to my disjointed reality. Grey Mason's megaphone speech was muffled, dissolving into inaudible chatter. A motley of broken sentences.

"If you don't...SHIT...Ok...Try today's special, it's...WE WILL SHOOT YOU!"

I returned to life on the jagged rock bed. Life in the Deadzone. I carefully rolled over to drink the cup of water which was now lukewarm. Happy I missed drop off time, at least I didn't have to fetch anything. The water was like sex, clearing my throat, removing my thirstiness. While laying my head back, I tossed the rag over my face. It didn't burn that time, whatever Puck did to me healed overnight, well, scabbed I mean. I nodded off again and awoke to the thick smell of barbequed Meskle from below. Scallions, broth, and pepper overtaking the vicinity. Sharp pains to my head indicated I wasn't ready to stand yet. If I was to eat, someone would need to bring it to me. Where's Tomorrow when you...