Chapter 48

"There-Once-Was-A-Cat... who tr-ied to How-l. His na-me was Meow MeowMeow!" she chanted.

"Halo, please, I need to focus."

A red light began flashing on the Satellite Navigational Unit. ETA twenty-five minutes. That pesky salmon frog wandered into the touchscreen, prompting for more tutorials. I waved him away immediately. Twenty-five minutes I can manage but no more, this dirt road was becoming hazardous. I prayed that Weston had enough food to pacify this growing little monster who would not stop her vocal charivari.

"He thou-ght he was-a-wolf but was ve-ry wrong. And travl-ed the wo-rld sing-ing this song."

"Halo, I'm not going to..." a sharp rock punctured one of the wheels, the entire car dipped to the right.