Chapter 69

The joke fell flat, and I crept my way to the exit. Scared shitless, but every fiber of my being told me to press my foot on that solid ground. See what all this is really about. At first glance, I saw three parked flying cruisers in the distance. Unlicensed, untagged, stolen most likely, none of that mattered. Whoever parked them are still here. Eventually, I'd meet the owners. Venturing out a little further, seeing more of the land put the nail in the coffin for me. Omni was right. There were endless fields of water tubes, all the way to the vanishing point. In the middle was a big metallic dome, a hub of some type, maybe a command center? Large craters splayed across the dark land as if this part of Saturn held a moon-like landscape.

"What do you see?" Obsidian yelled from the tunnel.

A farm of replicas, I wanted to reply. But opening up that can of worms, the explanations, the questions even I didn't know the answers too. Sharing any information wouldn't do us any good.